Our Start

We started as a small food pantry, distributing food to our community members in need. As we became aware of food security issues around the country, we noticed that one demographic with a big need was being overlooked. College students on campuses across the country were dropping out or falling behind in their academic endeavors due to hunger. Although there is individual effort being made and campus pantries are springing up to address this issue, there is a lack of comprehensive effort to tackle this problem. So we established Khan Ohana Foundation as a 501(c)(3) organization to do just that, and more.

Our Mission:

Empower and uplift marginalized communities in order to help them achieve self-sufficiency and lifelong success.

Our Vision:

To end generational poverty.

Our Goals:

  • To provide resources that aid in meeting basic necessities.

  • To provide education to develop life sustaining skills.

  • To build support systems and resource centers that will provide information for entrepreneurship opportunities.


Crystal Isaacs

programS manager & founding member

Crystal is a member of the Oglala Lakota/ Oglala Sioux Nation. “I want to make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling to improve their situation.”


Board Members

amy hossain - President of the board

KASHIF nuriddin - vice president

MICHAEL EGAN - secretary

NADA SHAHAB - board member

SHAZIA MALIK - board Member

dr. shehzad batliwala - board member